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The Committees

The Executive Board

The President is the highest executive officer on St. Pats.  They is responsible for correspondence with the university as well as the overall management of the organization.  They are also the primary liaison to Student Council and all student body representatives.

The Treasurer is responsible for managing the St. Pats budget, overseeing accounts, and financial correspondence.  They are also the primary liaison with the Student Activities Finance Board.

The Vice President is responsible for managing all internal affairs.  They also keeps record of all progress of each committee as well as scholastic progress of all members.

The Sales Manager is responsible for the designing and merchandising of all St. Pats official items available to the public and managing sales throughout the school year.

The Secretary is responsible for keeping record of all meeting minutes as well as general correspondence within the organization.  They are also in charge of setting up retreats as well as outings with active members and alumni.

Senior Rep Committees

The Parade Fund Chair is responsible for managing all aspects of advertisements sold to be displayed in the St. Pats Parade.

The Recruitment Chair is responsible interfacing with student organizations in an effort to increase membership of the St. Pats Board.

The Public Relations Chair is responsible for managing cooperative relationships with those outside the St. Pat's Board, and coordinating with other public relation committees such as Recruitment, Philanthropy, Webmaster, and Publicity.

The Blarney Club Chair is responsible for selling Blarney Club memberships to alumni and other community members.  Members of this club receive Blarney Pins that are designed and ordered through her as well.

The Philanthropy Chair is responsible for organizing philanthropy and service events that the members of St. Pats help run.  Every year, the biggest service events are the St. Pats Blood Drive and the Bone Marrow Registry which happens twice a year. 

The Fundraising Chair's responsibilities include raising funds through means other than sales by programming and coordinating fundraising events and other activities.

The Webmaster's responsibilities include updating and expanding this website as well as maintenance of the St. Pat's Daze App.

The Social Chair is responsible for setting up events with other groups on campus to expand and improve the social outreach of St. Pats.

The Green Sheppard's responsibilities include hosting regular promotional events at local establishments.

The Historian's responsibilities include updating the historical records of St. Pats as well as operating to make interesting historical record available to the organization and to the public.  They are also responsible for taking pictures at various events to display to the public and the future members of the organization.

Sales Heads

The Campus Sales Chair is responsible for on-campus sales.  This includes coordinating vintage sales in front of the library on Fridays before homecoming, regular sales also in front of the library every weekday after homecoming and until St. Pats, and sales at the bookstore. They are partially responsible for sales at on-campus sporting events and sales to academic departments.

The Local Sales Chair is responsible for coordinating sales around Rolla such as in front of Wal-Mart, Price Chopper, MotoMart, and Mobil. They are also responsible for arranging sales at local businesses such as University Book & Supply, Liquor Cabinet, Rolla Books & Toys, and Russ & Renas.

The Special Sales Chair is responsible for all online sales, special event sales (such as Celebration of Nations and Phelps County Fair), and bulk orders through organizations.  They are partially responsible for orders to academic departments and on-campus events.

Programming Committees

The Concerts Chair is responsible for the St. Pats Concert and handles communication with bands and agents to get an opener, midliner, and headliner that get announced closer to the event which is free to all students and community.

The Participation and Trophies Chair is responsible for programming all events associated with the competition of St. Pats.  They recruit as many organizations to participate in the celebration as possible and coordinate many participation events such as Green Friday and Snake Invasion.  They are also in charge of ordering trophies, keeping track of points, and distributing awards to all participating organizations.

The Follies Chair is responsible for programming and coordinating Monday & Tuesday Follies at the Puck and Wednesday Follies at the Bandshell during St. Pats.  They are also responsible for general upkeep of the Puck on campus.

The Court Arrival Chair is responsible for organizing the Court Arrival Event at the Bandshell the Wednesday of St. Pats.  They are also responsible for the general upkeep of the rail-cart that St. Pat and his court ride on during court arrival as well as the manure spreader that they ride on during the parade and various other parades throughout the year.  They are also responsible for attaining students to pull the manure spreader and rail-cart at all parades.

The Gonzo & Games Chair is responsible for programming and overseeing the Gonzo & Games event the Thursday and Friday of St. Pats out in the Havener Lawn.  

The Ceremonies Chair is responsible for both the coronation ceremony as well as the painting of Pine Street before the parade and of campus before Follies.  They are also the primary student liaison between the St. Pats Board and the Honorary Knights Association.  

The Float & Parade Chair is responsible for organizing and overseeing the St. Pats Parade.  They also assist in the coordination of other parades throughout the year such as the Parade of Nations and the Rolla Christmas Parade.

If you are interested in being a part of the parade, contact the current Float and Parade chairperson at

The Grateful Board Chair is responsible for the Grateful Board Festival at the Bandshell which takes place promptly after the parade.  They are in charge of arranging for an alumni-favorite Grateful Dead tribute band to play each year for the Rolla community and getting vendors to come to both this festival as well as the concert that follows.

Other Junior Rep Committees

The Decorations Chair is responsible for overseeing all material projects and general project management associated with St. Pats.  Their responsibilities include coordinating operations to complete many projects such as sales signs for local sales, buttons and other props for the coronation ceremony and court arrival, and parade boards to advertise local businesses in our parade.

The Queens & Knights Chair is responsible for recruiting as many organizations to have a queen and a knight to represent their organizations during St. Pats.  They are also in charge of coordinating all activities involving these students.

The Publicity Chair is responsible for publicizing St. Pats and its events around campus, Rolla, and surrounding areas. 

The Costumes Chair is responsible for the upkeep of the costumes for St. Pat, his court, and the Queen of Love & Beauty.  They are also responsible for organizing the schedule for St. Pat and his court during the celebration week.